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Morning Circle

Morning Circle is a special time where our scholars come together as a small community to start their day with joy and connection. During our virtual sessions, scholars will engage in a variety of activities centered around a theme, fostering collaboration and creativity.

Community Building

Morning Circle fosters a sense of belonging and camaraderie among scholars, creating a supportive and inclusive learning environment.

STEM Learning

Morning Circle themes often incorporate STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) concepts, providing opportunities for scholars to explore scientific phenomena, engage in hands-on experiments, and develop problem-solving skills.

Community Skills

Scholars have the opportunity to practice verbal communication through sharing stories, ideas, and experiences with their peers, enhancing their language development and confidence.

Literacy Skills

Through exposure to stories, poems, and discussions, scholars develop literacy skills such as reading comprehension, listening comprehension, and critical thinking

Language Development

Engaging in conversations, sharing stories, and participating in discussions during Morning Circle promote vocabulary expansion, language fluency, and communication skills.

Social and Emotional Development

Engaging in conversations and activities during Morning Circle encourages empathy, active listening, and respectful communication, promoting social and emotional growth.

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Engaging Themes

In our circle, scholars have the opportunity to share in a show-and-tell format or through casual conversation, creating a space for meaningful interactions and building friendships. Whether it's sharing about their weekend adventures, discussing upcoming holidays, or introducing a new family member, every scholar's voice is valued and celebrated.


Personalized Attention

Our teachers tailor Morning Circle activities to meet the diverse needs and interests of each scholar, providing personalized attention and support to ensure every child feels valued and included.

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Seamless Integration

Morning Circle seamlessly integrates with our curriculum, reinforcing key concepts and skills across subject areas while providing opportunities for cross-disciplinary learning and exploration.

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